Hunter's house Hoinikskii

Republic of Belarus, Gomel region, Khoiniki district, Dubrovitsa villiage.

coordinates for GPS Navigator 52°03.189' N, 30°05.954' E

Today Sunday, 08.12.2024
 05:48 Minsk


Reservation Department

Hunter's house «Hoinikskii» is located in the Hoiniki district of the Gomel region, surrounded by a mixed forest just 8 km from the lake Izbyn, there is also a small stocked artificial pond in the territory of the hunter’s house.

The hunter's house is designed for 11 people and has everything you need to relax the guests: a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen for self-catering, a poo, a bathhouse, four spacious sleeping rooms. On the vast territory of the hunter's house there are also a gazebo and an equipped platform for making kebabs. Walking through the area, fresh air, calm atmosphere away from the bustle of the city will help guests to relax and rejuvenate for new achievements.

Rooms and rates

  Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

x11   for 11 people (hunter's house)

 conveniences for the cottage / TV, equipment for the house, fridge, kitchen, oven, washing machine
08-December -  30-April-2025 12000
   Cost for room (house) for 11 people 12000 a day.
C  01-May-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.

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